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Skeptics chair survives ‘homeopathic suicide’

Skeptics Canada chair Eric McMillan says he feels just fine.

Some might be surprised he is even alive—a week after publicly downing the entire contents of three containers of homeopathic remedies, including a supposed arsenic alum.


Why you shouldn’t take Lenny Briscoe’s lie-detector test

You’ve seen it on Law and Order or one of the other cops-and-lawyers shows.

The suspect claims he didn’t do it. “Then you won’t mind taking a lie detector test to clear your name,” suggest the detectives.


Famous fabulous creatures: Bigfoot and Nessie

A whole area of paranormal and pseudoscientific claims—and thus also of skeptical research—concerns the claims of cryptozoologists.


Ockham's Razor: How I became a skeptic at the movies

You could say I lost my gullibility at the movies. It was at in a movie theatre some years ago I was first exposed to the most useful guideline for dealing with extraordinary ideas, whether they be paranormal, scientific, religious or political.


Canadian connection for the Kecksburg UFO

The Kecksburg Crash is the “New Roswell”, according to a recent spate of sensational television documentaries.
